Monday, 29 August 2011

6mm Sikh Wars

 Organising the armies using Irregular Miniatures 6mm strips.


The Idea

I'm constantly looking for cheap ways to get into other periods so using 6mm figures fits the bill nicely. So what follows is how I organised my 6mm Sikh Wars armies for the 'Principles of War' rules. Extra unit types not found in the lists are covered here as well.
Regulars are not stuck all on one base, the elements are left single to allow depiction of formed/unformed status. Irregular infantry units are stuck all on one base, (2x2). Irregular cavalry are also stuck on one base, (3 abreast). Further irregularity is gained by snapping off odd figures here and there.

The British

  1. British battalions - 2xCWB5 + 1xCWB6
  2. Sepoy battalions - 2xIND23 + 1xIND24
  3. Ghurka battalions - 2xIND34 + 1xIND35
  1. British Light Dragoons - 3xCWB9
  2. British Lancers - 3xCWB10
  3. Native Regulars (crested helmet) - 3xIND26
  4. Native Regulars (alternative) - 3xIND50
Additionally cavalry standards are available from the Napoleonic Miscellany range - MN1

  1. British Field Battery - CWB13 (Crimean)
  2. Native Field Battery - IND 32
  3. British/Native Battery (Mutiny Period) - IND52
  4. British Horse Battery - CWB14 (Crimean again!)
  5. Native Horse Battery (crested helmet) - IND33
  6. British/Native Horse Battery (Mutiny period) - IND53
  7. Siege Artillery - IND59
  1. C-in-C - CWB15
  2. Brigadiers - IND30
  3. Baggage - IND6

The Sikhs

  1. Infantry - 2xIND40 + 1xIND41
  2. Ghurka battalions - 2xIND34 + 1xIND35
  3. Cavalry - 3xIND42 (cut MN1 standards to shape)
  4. Artillery - IND43
  5. Horse Artillery (crested helmet) - IND33
  6. Siege Artillery - IND59
  1. Infantry - 3xIND37/38 + 1xIND39
  2. Akalis - 4xIND44
  3. Cavalry (Ghorchuras) - 3xIND14
  4. Artillery - IND31
  5. Zambruks - XT51 (Maratha camelry!)
  1. C-in-C - IND5 (Doolie)
  2. Brigadiers/Leaders - IND45
Additionally Irregular Miniatures can supply an Indian Village in white metal

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